An Ambient Intelligence System to Assist Team Training and Competition in Cycling

I. Fliege, A. Geraldy, R. Gotzhein, T. Jaitner, T. Kuhn, C. Webel

in: E. F. Moritz, S. Haake, (Eds.), The Engineering of Sport 6, Vol. I: Developements in Sports, Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 2006, pp. 103-108


Teamwork in cycling plays an important role, not only during competition to push a cyclist, but also in training to maximize individual training effects. In this paper, we present a fully operational prototype of the Assisted Bicycle Trainer, a distributed ambient intelligence system to enhance outdoor group training of cyclists. The prototype is designed to run on different hardware platforms and communication technologies, in particular, embedded PC communicating via WLAN and Bluetooth, and light-weight micro controllers using ZigBee for inter-bicycle communication. A focus of the paper is on the tailored communication solu-tions and different broadcast schemes.


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